Elder Isaac Blake

Elder Isaac Blake
Email: isaac.blake@myldsmail.net

Monday, March 16, 2015

For the Right Reasons

Hey fam,
We've had a good, normal week here in Autonomia Santiago!! We're still working a lot with the Rodriguez family and the Alagastin family (Maria's father/daughter friends). But before I tell, shout out to 52 - crazy stuff with the tear gas etc. CUIDADO!! Also, before I forget, Dad - will you send me a letter or an email telling me how your mission went, like a summary or something. I hope you kept a good journal!!
But enyways, we worked hard this week, diligent to the end. We took our boy Luis Vasquez out like 3 times, to teach and to do Family History (see pics.) He's really a miracle. Sometimes I feel like no one else believes in him, but I honestly think he can become a leader in the church in this life. I'm trying to teach him to read right now... Wish me luck! (Note - you should all check out FamilySearch.org)
The Rodriguez family is doing great! They are starting to read the BoM as a family, and are understanding it. Sunday morning, they didn't make it until Sacrament Meeting and that scared us a bit, but they slept in 'cause Oscar was a bit under the weather (hahaha they said Lucas (9) was angry because he missed Primary). Anyways, in reflecting during Sunday School and the Sacrament, I really got to thinking about my drive and motivation. It's always tempting, and I'll add, not to easy to resist, to think about one's self, and the impact one makes in the world, and in my case, on a branch or on a mission. It's tempting, but I don't believe it's righteous. I decided and re-dedicated myself yesterday to "go about doing good" (Acts 10:38 I think), but to do so for the right reasons - the eternal well-being and happiness of those around me, of those I love. A tender mercy:
When someone doesn't show up to church, (shout out to Dad for this trait, I think) I tend to suppose or imagine the worst possible reason - for example, that they decided overnight that they don't want anything to do with the Gospel. I thought a bit of that with the Rodriguez. Well, I corrected my course, and in church, we asked for a quick appointment for the afternoon. I followed the Spirit in that lesson, and even though I had doubts and fears, I invited them to be baptized. Well, they said that just barely earlier they'd thought about the path they're taking, and said between the 2 that they feel good and wanna keep progressing towards that step. What a blessing! I LOVE being guided by the Spirit and love blessing others.
Elder Blake

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