Elder Isaac Blake

Elder Isaac Blake
Email: isaac.blake@myldsmail.net

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hey fam and friends,

Another good week here in Alberdi (more than anything Barcena, the neighborhood where Leandro lives).

A little late - Brig, absolutely loved your stories about the sleepwalking (happens to me a lot too), and you really touched me with your Christlike example, giving away your watch etc. 

Mom, I also wanted to know how it’s been going with Sophie Underwood and the Brooks family. I’m praying for them, but never heard any follow up. Remember, doesn't matter how good the message is if you don’t get the chance to share it and share it well!!

Another quick shout-out – don’t have anyone's emails but I wanted to send a message along to the football captains: “Never ever give up. Someone told me recently that a ship that doesn’t have its destination set won’t get any help from the wind. If you lose faith in the destination you originally set, you’ll never get anywhere. However, if you keep that eye single and work hard regardless of the outcome, you’ll see results. Never back down, keep those feet moving. Enjoy every second. ”

Ok, so the week – We’re working a ton in Leandro’s house with his sisters, and a bunch of his friends – planning quite a few baptisms for this Sat, many or all of which Leandro will perform. Rather than go day by day – it was WICKED hot all week until it rained Thurs night, finally – I’ll profile a few boss hogs.

Ramiro – 15 – Leo’s buddy. Turns out the missionaries taught him when he was 12 with his Mom. She’s really not that interested but she’ll come along. This kid is a boss. He’s a bit addicted to computer games (in the ciber). Besides that, he accepted all of the commandments we taught him - told us he is gonna stop going to the ciber on Sunday, and that he's gonna live the Law o f Chastity. 

Maxi - 18 - Leo's buddy. He's really really quiet - a man of few words. When he does talk, he gives 2 word responses that are very hard to understand. However, he has accepted everything we've taught and has a testimony. This week, he started to open up a lot more. Had what I'd consider a conversation with him yesteray . haaahh Leo invited him to come out and proselyte with us. He laughs a lot and it makes me laugh. Love the dude. 

Well, running low on time. I've noticed in my life and on my mission that a real weakness of mine is judging others and jumping to conclusions, vocally shooting my self in the foot by saying what I think before thinking abut what I'm gonna say. My comp is painfully aware of such a weakness. Found a great scrip just for me - 

19 For behold, the same that judgeth rashly shall be judged rashly again; for according to his works shall his wages be; therefore, he that smiteth shall be smitten again, of the Lord.

Mormon 8

Trying to walk in others´ sandals and not judge so much. Had to ask forgiveness from the neighbor because I yelled from my high seat of self-righteous judgement (see Elder Zwicks Apr talk), (ironically I was on the balcony and she was below in the street). (She was burning trash in front of our house and the smoke didn't make me happy).

Enough of that - end with a great note. Yesterday, I had the incredible privileged of ordaining Leandro to the office of Elder in the Sacerdocio Melquisedec. So happy to share the line of authority with him - he's a BOSS.

Love you alll!!!

This is on Leandro's wall - Dad translate

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