Don't have too much time today cause I just got
back from the bus terminal waiting for my new comp, Elder Hermansen.
He's from Utah - good chance that well have 4 gringos in the pension.
Super pumped to be working with him.
I'll start with the highlight - baptism de Anabel!!
We've been fighting for that day all month and finally she took the
plunge (literally).
I'll share the x-factor: a member, and specifically, his testimony.
She's been struggling with committing to baptism because of a few tiny
things, mostly stemming from the fact that she doubts her faith. This
recently returned missionary came in, and when all the scrips and
testimonies from us weren't enough, shared a great example about faith.
Our lives are like a kid learning to ride a bike.
It's tough at times - we're gonna fall, and at times it seems like we'll
never learn. However, God is always right there behind us, waiting to
catch us when we fall, and shouting advice and encouragement. However,
we can't see him - we can only sense His presence. We have to trust in
Him and keep pedaling, and if we do this, we're obviously gonna learn,
and then have a ton of fun and put the bike to good use. The key is to
just believe and trust, even if we can't see.
Well, she did just that. We showed up on Friday
and she comes out without her towel or change of clothes, saying she
wasn't ready. We calmed her down a bit and convinced her (the Spirit
convinced her) and she came. Great service with a bunch of members, and
then there was an end of the year party for the ward. She stayed and
made a bunch of friends, partying till 1:30 AM (Argentina is insane - people stayed till 2:30). Then Sunday
was a GREAT day in church. She got confirmed and all of our converts
from these past 3 months were there, except Emanuel who moved. Elder
Ramirez was sent off well.
I testify to the power and importance of the members (YOU) going out with the missionaries. DO IT.
Can you send me: a Celcius to
Fahrenheit converter chart, Gold Bond body powder, and a bunch of ties?
I'd love a tie specifically picked out (hopefully currently owned) by
Dad, Brigham, and Matty Lawrence, with something written on it. I want
to rep you guys more out here in the field.
Can you ask Jesse Dimick if there are exercises I should be doing?
Dad, Mom, everyone - Dad nailed it with what I want to hear from you guys: " Maybe
what you really want is just some more thoughts and feelings of my/our
hearts. Or just some more details from our live so that you can
feel/stay connected."
This is exactly what I want - please, keep me filled
in on everything you're doing, but more importantly, how you're feeling
and what you're thinking.
Love Yall!!
Elder Blake